Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Last Journal

Throughout this class I've become a better writer than i was before. I know the elements of a good, well-written paper and how to use these techniques for an interesting and sometimes persuasive paper. Before, I didn't really enjoy writing at all because I found it boring in a way, but now, after this class, I like it a lot more. Writing is not just a chore anymore, its interesting. Writing multiple drafts of a paper seemed like a waste of time before but as I read through all my drafts of each paper I've completed I can see how much better my writing has gotten and how much my work has improved through each draft and after all the workshops. This class has been really fun and I am really happy that I was involved in this class.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

last journal

After reading my first journal I compared it to my 8th journal. I realized that my thought process while writing has changed and it is apparent in my work. I have grown so much as a writer and thinker. With the help of both my instructors and classmates, I have accomplished my goals this semester. All the skills that I have learned in this course will be helpful in next semester. I will apply my knowledge and analytical skills in my future writing assignments.

Last Journal

Looking back at my first journal and throughout all my work this semester, I can defiantly say that my role as a writer has changed fairly drastically. During this semester, I learned many new components that go into developing a well written paper. I learned that I can’t write the same way for every single paper I write. I also learned that there is much more to an essay than the “5 paragraph” essay format. But mostly though, my entire view on writing has changed. No longer will I write a paper just for the sake of writing it. I learned to take pride in what you write and to always write about what you care about. Because if you write about what interests you; your true voice will always come out, making the paper you’re writing much better. I now feel like I can put my own voice into my writing more than I ever could. And I know for a fact that that is going to translate into even better writing in the future.

Last Journal

I see my role as a writer very differently now. I have learned that everyone is a writer in a different way. Anytime you are texting your friends, answering a blog, writing a paper or sending an email, you are writing. I am a writer, I still might not think I’m a very good one but I try my hardest every time and will get better and better the more I practice. I definitely have accomplished my goals for this semester, I wanted to improve my writing skills and learn many new writing techniques, which I have. I am very proud of myself for learning and getting through this class knowing that I wasn’t one of the best writers. I think this class help me be more confident and learn a lot more that I needed to know to write like a great writer.

The Last One

Throughout this class I think that it is safe to say that my writing has vastly improved. I see myself as a decent writer now and have much more confidence in my abilities. The skills that I have learned in this short course will definately help me as I move through toward graduation, and even though I have all of my english credits thanks to AP tests (woohoo!) I know that nearly all the classes that I will take in the future will require some type of writing. Thank you Leigh for giving me a solid foundation to start off my college career, and giving me confidence in my writing as I pursue onward.

Journal 9: Last Journal!

My role as a writer has definitely changed significantly. Before, my writing was vague and monotone. I didn't give my readers enough detail, nor did I work to make my writing sound like me. Now, my writing is a lot closer to home. I'm not writing to sound scholarly but to sound more like me. Of course, this changes a bit depending on my audience. I have accomplished my goals for this semester because in the beginning, the thought of writing an eight page paper seemed near impossible. Now, I know I'm quite capable of writing one. The things I've learned in this class will help me in my next English class because no matter who you're writing for, the same rules will still have to be applied.

Last Journal

After the class I think I am the same type of writer and that I just overall improved. I was able to work on my mechanics and learn how to play around with my writing a little more. I felt that I learned there is a lot more to writing and an english class then composing a draft and revising it. I learned the english language is very complex and there is so many ways to analyze and construct an opinion on the world we live in. I believe this english class was one of my better ones just because we looked at deeper issues and we had open discussions. I believe I accomplished my goal to become a better writer by learning how to develop and workshop papers in new ways. I'm taking creative writing in the fall and the way I learned how to generate ideas and come up with new creative topics will definitely help me in my future class.